May 05 2009

on Monday, May 4, 2009
Sometimes, it's hard to get something u want, even though u wanted so badly, and putting a lot of efforts in getting it.

Cruel things happens everyday, and it won't show any mercy on you. So, we have to be cruel.

Why do u think u deserve to be better? Is that because u put in more efforts in relative to others? What make u think so?

People went through the hard way, grow faster.

Why people are on facebook? Because we need someone to kepoh about us, i mean "care". Why people are doing all the stupid quizes? Because we are not sure of how we are, and hoping the quiz will give u answer that u wanted to see, and persuade yourself that u r really good. Peace.. ^^

Who want to watch star treck with me? LOL.. i dun mind to treat, but only female, please.. I'm not a G.A.Y. :) dun get me wr0ng, i don't mean that it has to be only 2, watching in a big group will be fun too..