well, this trip contains 12 ppls including 2 of my fren's sista.. luckily no generation gap. haha! we r not that old ok? well, this is our pic on 2nd day morning.. cool rite? :)
we take bus on 14th nite then depart to perhentian. the name of the bus is quite funny.. Mahligai ( ma lai gai ) lol! ^^ well, reach around 7 at the jetty. then had a light breakfast while waiting for the Mr Ong, the agent. well, a nice guy. chinese there can speak very fluent malay with the local dialect. Impressive.. not like the KL chinese, speak broken malay.. haha! count me in la..
we go on boat around 9 something i guess, then after 1 hour we reach perhentian.. wow! great, nice, clean place.. the water is clear n cool indeed.. i think u will like it.. can't wait to check in but it's still early. so, we get 1 room 1st n hv to wait 4 another 2 rooms to be clean.. well, while waiting, we start our 1st activity.. the gals lepak at the beach n the guys play football.. erm.. actually is volleyball we make it football. the yellow colour shirt is our jersy. Pirates F.C : )
finally the rooms is done n after putting the stuffs in the room we went 4 lunch. after lunch we go 4 snorkeling lo.. luckily we din eat too full scared the food come out cz the water has higher pressure. the guard named 'Along' teach us how to snork. haha! he is a funny yet responsible guy.. great to join him.. we always make joke wit him.. rmb the kids show we watched when we were small? A.L.O.N.G~~ ALONG! haha! i think he already used to it..
finally we r going to the sea n start snork.. hmm.. well, i drink a lot of sea water.. wonder how many mL i've taken.. lol! cz i'm nt pro yet.. in fact, everyone is the same.. haha! ya, life jacket is provided, if nt everyone wont b able to snork lo.. well, no extra charge on the equipments s ah dee said it's all 'bao', '包晒'.. RM400.
our 1st day activity is 'finding Nemo', watch 'shark's tale' and see some other fishes.. well, clown fish, 'Nemo' lives in the brown colour coral, u hv to kacau the coral to make them come out.. i think u all should know how the coral looks like rite? u all watch finding Nemo rite? besides this, there are countless type of small fishes that i dunno wat's their name.. : ) i rmb i saw 'chong yu' 鲳鱼。The rest i dunno d.. ^^ well, the mission of finding shark failed cz v tak jumpa shark at all. may b all sleeping kua.. accodring to ALONG, the shark in perhentian is vegetarian 1.. they dun eat meat. they like vege.. so if anyone wear green colour plz take it off.. if ur bikini is green then sorry la.. WAKAKA! do u belive me? walau eh! if u belive me then u r too smart.. lol! which shark in this world vege 1 la? watch too many of Nemo o Shark's tale d.. : ) but reli got ppl belive leh.. tat fella ask: "my gf wear green wor.. ok ah?" pengsan....
turtle.. i guess is his companian gua.. haha! while i was happy chasing the turtle, my boat already perpare to leave.. i so kesian shouting 4 them to come n take me.. haha! well, too excited til
P/S: some advise to those ppl that are going to redang o perhentian soon.. prepare ur sun block, oinment 4 luka if u terkick coral. it's reli painful.. if u terkick coral n ur leg bleed, dun go into water, u will attract the sharks.. the sharks is nt vegetarian k? so, dun kick the coral.. : )
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